Mission Statement

To connect and empower those impacted by Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) to raise awareness about BPD and advocate for better mental health care.

About Emotions Matter

Emotions Matters, Inc. is a non-profit organization created by a network of families and individuals affected by borderline personality disorder (BPD) who have united around our mission to improve social connection, awareness and health care systems for those with BPD.

Our Services

· BPD peer to peer online support group is a closed Facebook group that reduces self-harm behaviors, suicidal thinking, and emotional dysregulation.  It promotes adherence to treatment goals.

· Creating materials in print, videos and social media communications from a BPD peer perspective of the disorder to diminish stigma and promote empowerment.

· Creating resources to help families and individuals access treatment for BPD in mental health care systems and the community. 

· BPD loss support groups and BPD Loss Registry supports the needs of those who have lost loved ones to BPD, with an emphasis on suicide prevention. 

· Provide opportunities to connect with a non-judgmental, supportive community of families, clinicians and individuals who promote our mission at events.

· Encourage political advocacy to improve BPD research, treatment, and access to care.


Who We Serve

Emotions Matter services individuals impacted by BPD over the age of 18 and their families.  While many with BPD are diagnosed during adolescence and early adulthood, BPD is a disorder that affects individuals of all ages through middle age and later in life.  Although more women than men access our services, BPD affects both women and men in society. 

Our Approach

What sets Emotions Matter apart from other organizations is our belief that individuals with BPD peers have the capacity to advocate for their recovery needs.  Those with BPD have important contributions to make to BPD research, education, and health care.  Emotions Matter wants their voices to be heard.

Our Philosophy

· Peer-driven, promoting leadership development within organization.

· Recovery-oriented, focused on providing positive models of peer recovery.

· Process-orientated team of clinicians, family members and individuals collaborating to build a model that works for the BPD population.

· Integrates best practices from evidence-based BPD therapies along with other approaches.

· Empowerment-focused, emphasizing advocacy and personal strengths.

· Justice seeking, exposing the stigma and discrimination experienced by those with BPD.

· Culturally-sensitive, inclusive community promoting dialogue all levels of organization.